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Workplace Creativity Articles

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How much loose change…

… do you carry around? That used to define how much you would spend at a vending machine.

Apparently that’s no longer the case.

Macy’s is adding iPod vending machines to their stores.

Todd Jones, a retail analyst at PNC Wealth Management in Philadelphia, said the price of iPods could make that area of Macy’s one of the most profitable, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

“This is not a real big risky proposition and is probably a move to become more relevant with a host of age ranges,” Jones said.

Purchasing an iPod out of a vending machine could probably be categorized as an impulse buy, Jones said.

Impulses are getting more expensive these days. Look for reinforced pockets as a feature in the newest lines of designer jeans.  Or maybe just credit card-worthy purchases made through vending machines.

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