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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Neck-Worthy Ideas

In this land of opportunity, how do you decide which ideas are the best to pursue?  Most good ideas require hard work and/or significant money in order to execute with excellence.  This means someone has to stick their neck out (that’s you or me).

When your neck is on the line, risk assessment becomes a lot fuzzier.  Our judgment is clouded by fear and doubt.   A great idea suddenly becomes a huge risk.  Do you dare to bare your neck?

Seth has a great comparison list illustrating two concepts of hard work.  The last one is the kicker.

Having a great idea       |        Sticking your neck out

I pride myself in having great ideas.  But looking back, I’ve rarely stuck my neck out.  Too many fuzzy decisions.

What about you?  Are your ideas neck-worthy or are your decisions fuzzy?

P.S. Thanks for sticking your neck out Seth, and encouraging the rest of us to do the same.

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