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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Redundancy Rant

It’s Friday again.

I’m sitting in front of my computer with several ideas to blog.

Honestly, I don’t want to.

Not because I don’t like blogging.

Not because I don’t like writing.

Mostly because they’re good ideas.

Not great ideas.

Not world-changing ideas.

It’s the kind of stuff you’ll read, possibly enjoy, but in the end… you’ll go back to sipping your coffee and checking your email.

What a waste!

(of my time and yours)

CRAP! [sudden realization of how long I’ve been writing without a true impact]

I used to write because I felt inspired.  My first blog was about spirituality, inspiration, and musings.

Then I began blogging about business and marketing ideas that were bouncing around in my head.  I needed a place for them to crystalize.

Now, I think I blog because it’s Friday.

It’s Friday and I promised my readers I would update on Fridays.

Did you hear that sound?

That was the sound of passion getting sucked right outta me.

I’m not complaining.

Things are good.

I’m not depressed… at all.

In fact, I feel more lucid and excited than usual.

I simply WANT IT BACK!!!!!

So forget Fridays.

If I get inspired on Monday, I’m going to post it.

I think my passion has a short shelf life.  No preservatives added.  Gotta use it now or it spoils.

If I’m not inspired on Friday, I’m not going to try to drum something up.

I love writing.  I love blogging.  I love marketing and business ideas.  Heck, I love ideas!  And I love participating in a community of other idea-lovers.

Well, now that I’ve let that tiger out of the cage, let’s see what happens.

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