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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.


What You See is What You Get. This is a common phrase used to describe software programs that allow you to edit something and simultaneously see how it will look in the end. What You See Is What You Get is often shortened to WYSIWYG (pronouced “Wizzy-Wig”) and it applies to more than just using software to edit.

We live in a WYSIWYG culture. Without time to dig under the surface, we take things at face value. This creates opportunity for confusion and misrepresentation. It also creates frustration for people trying to live an authentic life, because in order to communicate what you want your life to say, you have to use other people’s words.

This is where we can take humbrage or take charge.

People will misinterpret you seemingly with every breath you take. But are they truly misinterpreting YOU? The clothes you wear, the style of your hair (or lack thereof), the car you drive and the accent you speak with all form a representation. You may not be happy with the representation it creates. A metaphor for this would be company websites. There are many companies out there that would say their website doesn’t represent them well. “It hasn’t changed in years. It’s outdated.” “It doesn’t show everything we can do. It needs a refresh.”

Sound familiar? These statements could reflect how you feel about how others see you. So, what keeps you from changing your life’s “website?” Is it a fear of changing who you are? A fear of what others will think? You’re not changing YOU, just the “site” people visit to find out more about you. Your everyday choices are simply status updates about your life.  

Don’t be afraid, just be aware that you have an opportunity to make intentional choices for what your life represents… and how it is represented.


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