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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Creativity and Great Workplaces

There is a correlation between creativity and great workplaces.

What makes a workplace great for creativity?

  • High levels of trust
  • Clear communications
  • A sense of purpose and direction
  • A common understanding of goals
  • Respect between coworkers (potential friendship)
  • Well defined roles and responsibilities
  • Workers have a sense of choice and control
  • Office space and tools that support different aspects of work being performed (group/collaborative/individual/focused)
  • Balance of intense work and downtime
  • Attention to employee wellbeing
  • A healthy work culture

Isn’t that what makes any workplace great?

So, if you focus on having a workplace that supports creativity, you end up with a great workplace. Period.

And, if you focus on having a great workplace, you end up with one where creativity thrives.

Creative workplaces are great.

Great workplaces are creative.

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