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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

The Power of Interdependent Creativity

Confidence is important to our creativity and success.

Tom and David Kelley talked about this in their book Creative Confidence.

creative confidence is about believing in your ability to create change in the world around you.

But, to maximize your creativity and effectiveness, you also need to be confident in others. Without that, you will lack trust.

We can visualize this in the quadrants above:

Paranoid: Not confident in self or others.

Dependent/Codependent: Confident in others, not self.

Independent: Confident in self, not others.

Interdependent: Confident in self and others.

Confidence in yourself can make you an independent creative.

Adding confidence in others increases collaboration and elevates the creativity of those around you.

Which quadrant are you in?

What can you do to move up and to the right?

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