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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

How Hunger and Awareness Affect Success

As your stomach empties it sends a hormone to your brain. This creates the sensation we call hunger.

It is a simple signal that triggers a response that keeps us alive. Too much or too little of this signal can lead to unhealthy consequences.

Our lives are full of similar signals.

Manipulating Signals

The length of the dashed lines on a highway affect how fast we drive. Longer dividing lines trick our brain into believing we’re not traveling as fast and help us feel comfortable at higher speeds.

What we do when we relax can have a Pavlovian effect on us. If we grab a beer or a chocolate as we prepare to relax in the easy chair, our brain can connect these items to the act of resting. As stress and activity tire us, we may find ourselves craving a drink or a snack when our body is actually craving rest.

Consider: how can you use signals to reinforce the behavior you want?

Recognize: are you letting signals condition you into unwanted behavior?

Crossing Signals

What happens when we get our signals crossed regarding someone else?

  • A financial advisor driving an older model car may isn’t very good at his job
  • A financial advisor driving a fancy car is ripping people off
  • A doctor who moves patients through quickly is impersonal
  • A doctor who talks to patients at length is unprofessional
  • That person on the highway that passed me and cut me off is selfish
  • That person on the highway I had to pass and cut off obviously doesn’t have to get anywhere important

Consider: what are common ways our society signals wealth, success, trust or status?

Recognize: are you judging others based on weak signals?

Suppressing Our Signals

We spend a lot of energy covering up signals that could shame us or be used against us.

  • The strained marriage that pretends to be happy
  • Covering up financial struggles by racking up credit card debt
  • Pretending we have it all together on the job, when it is overwhelming

Consider: why do we work so hard to hide what’s happening?

Recognize: when do you feel vulnerable and what do you do to cover it up?

If we think we’re hungry when we’re not, our survival instincts can start to work against us. We can use awareness to keep signals in check so they don’t distort our reality.

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